Woods Air Movement T/a Flaktwoods Ltd
Time & Location
28 Sept 2023, 09:00
Flaktwoods Ltd Axial Way Colchester CO4 5ZD
About the event
Woods Air Movement is your partner of choice for the design, test, certification and manufacture of axial fans, for a wide range of industrial and life safety applications. We have more than one hundred years of industry experience and constantly strive to innovate in an ever-changing environment. Woods Air Movement has a factory and head office located in Colchester, United Kingdom. We have offices situated in the United States of America and Singapore as well as a testing facility in India.
How we will be involved with National Manufacturing Day:
On NMD 2023 we will open our doors to members of the public and school children. We will offer tours of our factory and have regular demonstrations of our machinery where guests will have the opportunity to ask questions of our colleagues and apprentices. We will provide information of the school route and further education required to gain employment at a manufacturer’s such as ours.
Contact: Jessica Hitchcock
Contact email: Marketing.Woods@flaktgroup.com
Main website: www.woodsairmovement.com